Seabreeze Therapeutic Massage
Specializing in RAPID Neurofascial Reset
Offering general Swedish massage
What is a RAPID?
Rapid NeuroFascial Reset is a neurological, evidence-based, manual therapy technique used to quickly and effectively eliminate pain.
During a session, the client wears non-restrictive clothing (sportswear). No oil or lotion is used. Every session is a combination of assessment and treatment. Areas are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific movements from the client. The movement phase of the treatment may be uncomfortable. The discomfort occurs as the neurological system is being stimulated to restore normal function. Typically, there is a noticeable reduction in pain and increase in range of motion after the first session. Many issues are greatly improved or resolved within two to six sessions. The first session is fourty five minutes. Follow-up sessions are thirty to forty-five minutes.
Some conditions that can be quickly resolved with Rapid NFR include:
Back pain
Shin splints
Carpal tunnel
Knee problems
Tennis/golfer’s elbow
Shoulder pain
TMJ (jaw) issues
Baker’s cyst
Frozen shoulder